I finished another class project for the Doodle. The theme is 10 reasons to smile, you fill in the smile blanks. I love the new Basic Grey Mellow line and it goes perfect with American Crafts felt stickers.
Joe is trying to fix the dvd player with the boys under his feet literally. He's calling for me to remove the boys from the vicinity. Dvd players last about a year in this household, not sure what we do to them but we've learned to just buy the cheapos. The expensive dvd players didn't any longer than the $25 ones.
I'm watching Grandma's Boy tonight, I love this movie. Scary that i worked in an environment very similar (graphic arts) and had the same nerdy experiences. One woman in a bldg full of immature male colleagues, tough.
Tomorow I'll post some pix of Smiles, to late to do anything tonight. Gotta rescue Joe.