Wednesday, November 14, 2007

We had a dr. appt with a neurologist yesterday to have a clinical diagnosis of AD/HD done on H. We all know he is hyper/impulsive/short attention/ so we are not surprised with diagnosis. Now we have something to work with and move forward.

I've been up since 4am and did 6 cards before the boys got up at 6.30am. I drug my papers out to the kitchen table since Nico wandered into my bed last night. I loaded up the boys into the Burley and walked to school, then me and whippersnapper headed off to store to do some Christmas shopping. I am done minus a Lego set and an item for FIL.

1 comment:

Scrappin' Jackie said...

what neuro did you see with H? what did they say? did they have the school involved in the paperwork?
meds?diet? make SURE that you now have a 504 plan done at school EACH year in addition to any IEP that they do.
This is a NECESSITY.
Email me if ya need more info from the inside.