Sunday, July 29, 2007

Weekend to myself

Joe took the boys up to see his parents for the weekend so that left me free to do what I wanted or not wanted (like mop the kitchen floor.) Today, I cleaned out the one of the bedroom closet and made a huge donation pile. Then I made a new plexi-album using stamps & chipboard shapes, I think it came out very cute.

Yesterday, I did the WSD Garage sale of scrapbook supplies. There was over 50 vendors selling their leftovers/spares/overbought supplies. Most of the vendors bought among themselves and left with the same amount that they brought but it was different stuff.

Henry's new bike---------

We gave Henry a new bike for his birthday, the bike grandma bought last year wasn't working for him height-wise. He spotted it at the bikeshop and ask the guy to get "his bike down from up there." Next stop was for a new helmet, that kid has a huge knoggin! He picked out the cool flame job cap and actually puts it on without me having to tell him. He loses his bike for a few days if he takes it off. Always wear your helmet.

Mommy's little Artists

Both boys love to color, draw, paint, glue and other artsy stuff.
Henry got a glue & paint kit for a rainyday and had a blast doing it. Even Nico sat and watched Henry work. I think H. spent about 2 hours creating his submarine and then slept with it that night.

Finally got H's school picture

I had forgotten about it, good thing I never delete my emails. I found the receipt and emailed them with the info and within 2 weeks I had the disc. The picture shows Henry's personality.

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